Leaves, water, earth

New paintings

The paintings in this series are intimate explorations with no destination in mind.
MeltFloating: Salix 2Floating: Salix 1November Rain
Floating: Salix 3Grounded: Juglans 1
One of Those DaysWhich Way the Weather
A Twilight Floating: Acer I

Jools Andres

Jools (aka Julie) studied graphic design (UCLA, 1987-’88) in Los Angeles with many of the city’s top designers of the time. While the personal computer era had barely started, she was already there with one of the first Macintosh computers off the assembly line and a 60-pound laser printer on her desk. Even so, she developed top-level old-school skills involving masking film, X-Acto knives, T-bars, and technical pens. Her practicum included a role as graphic designer and assistant pre-press camera technician at a busy retail design studio where both offset and digital printing services were offered. Concurrently, she studied watercolour and oil painting at private studios and participated in solo and group exhibitions in Los Angeles, Venice, and Marina del Rey, California. 

Following a move to Seattle, she was contracted to design and illustrate two gift books, which sold well across the US in major retail bookstores for several years. While in Seattle, Jools earned a degree in psychology and creative writing, which lead to her primary career as a writer and editor.

Back in Canada in 1996, her professional work as a writer, editor, designer, and photographer included corporate and non-profit positions, as well as many years working independently as an editor and journalist. She continues to work selectively on book and publishing projects.

Now, edging into retirement, Jools has returned to the easel and is exploring with acrylics and mixed media collage.

" Currently, my focus has veered toward leaves that have left their trees and landed on water or ground, where they enter a phase of transformation that is fascinating to witness."

More pics on Instagram

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